Appointments can be in person or online
Initial assessments are best in person but can be remote if needed

  • Comprehensive initial assessment (60 minutes): £400
    Comprehensive assessment of sexual difficulties & testosterone deficiency

  • Short initial appointment (30 minutes): £220
    Anabolic steroid recovery, GP appointment

  • Follow up medical appointments: 30 minutes £200 | 15 minutes £120

  • Psychosexual and relationship therapy: £150 per 50 minute appointment.
    I offer therapy on a weekly and biweekly basis, both short term and long term.
    I provide therapy from 37 Queen Anne Street, W1G 9JB and online.

Prescriptions & letters written within a consultation are included in the cost.
The costs of any investigations & treatment are not included in appointment costs unless stated. You can find further information about investigation fees here & medication fees here.

If you’re unsure about what appointment type is right for you, you can always email me:



  • DrBen1 Blood Panel £166: FBC, U&Es, LFTs, TFTs, Prolactin, FSH, LH, Total testosterone, SHBG, Oestradiol, PSA, Lipid Profile, Ferritin, HbA1C

  • DrBen2 Blood Panel £94: FBC, Lipids, Albumin, SHBG, Total testosterone, Oestradiol, PSA

  • Total Testosterone: £55

  • Cost of Phlebotomy (taking a blood sample): £30. Free if taken during consultation.


  • Full Sexual Health Screen, including testing for HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea (urine & two swabs): £215

  • Extended Sexual Health Screen: HIV, Syphilis, Hep B & C, Urine for 7 STIs: Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas, HSV 1 & 2, Rectal & Throat Swabs for Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea. £445


  • Transthoracic echo: £399

  • 12 lead ECG: £139

  • CT calcium score £450


Testosterone Treatment (all at cost price direct from pharmacy & subject to change)

  • Cypionate: £50/month

  • Nebido: £300 for first 3 months, then £150 per 3 months

  • Testogel: £65-100/month

  • Gonasi / hcg: £50/month

Prescription fee outside a consultation: £35